Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Globe and Bourough Market

On Monday we went to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre to see Much Ado About Nothing. It was so incredible!!!! I stood right at the front of the stage! I was so close that I could see teh actors spit when they spoke thier lines. But it was fun being that close becasue the guy who played Claudio was pretty cute! But the production was fabulous! And I can imagine that it woudl be very close to a Shakes original. Then on thursday, my class went back to take the tour. It was lead by an actor and he told us all of this cool history. After the tour, he took us down into a rehearsal room, and taugt us about what it was like to be an actor in Shakes' day. It was NOT an easy job! They didnt get the whole script, and it was rare that they were able to have a full rehearsal before the performance. And then our guide made us try our hand at some acting. We werent very good. But we all had a good laugh.

Then today, I went down by the London Bridge to Bourough Market which is a giant farmers market with all sorts of fresh foods and cheese and meat. It was great!!! Rachelle, you woudl have gone nuts there!

After the tour, I walked over to St Pauls Cathedral. And Yes, I did sing Feed the Birds on the steps!

Sorry its out of order, but this is the stage at the globe. It is rather small, but it does the job!

This is me at Bourough Market. It is huge! and this is only the start of it. While there I bought this incredible chocolate! OMG, it was to die for!!!!

And this is a scary Pirate I met at the London Bridge. they have two scare houses there. One is The London Dungeon, and the other is The London Bridge Experience. I was a bit lost, so I asked him for directions. It seemed like a good idea at the time. And he was gracious enough to help. I like Pirates. But I forgot to ask him if he wanted to be on The Black Tide with me and Captain Jo Calico (Virginia) But im sure he woudl have accepted.

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